Our SEO Services
We reliably and mathematically boost your visibility and traffic.
Why does investing in SEO pay off ?
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is all about making your site appear higher in Google results, and in the other search engines.
The tricky part is finding the right strategy for your offer, your current domain authority and your competitors.
Unlike a viral post on social networks, the results of SEO work can take weeks to make themselves felt, and will seem less spectacular.
But the new influx of visitors will be far more lasting !
In the medium and long term, an effective SEO strategy is more interesting and stable than digital marketing on social networks, where algorithms fluctuate much more.
SEO work is done throughout the life of your website, not just at launch. By gradually gaining ground in the search results, your site will become better known and will be able to claim increasingly profitable queries!
Our strategies to make you visible
Because when we talk about SEO, we can be talking about 1,000 different things, here are a few explanations about our work.
SEO Content Strategy
SEO Services
There’s no secret about it: to appear in search engines, you need to publish valuable content. We establish a publication grid based on strategic keywords for which you can appear at the top of the results.
Technical SEO
SEO Services
We improve your site’s indexability by optimizing its infrastructure, urls, desktop and mobile performance, accessibility and security.
On Page SEO
SEO Services
The indexing robots that crawl your site need optimized html code to retrieve the right information. Meta titles and descriptions, al text, content hierarchy … We inspect your site with our tools and take action to better optimize your current site.
Local SEO
SEO Services
Are you targeting a well-localized audience? We’ll put in place a strategy to move you up in the Google searches that correspond to your area of operation.