Webdesign and Development

We design your future website from start to finish, from defining your brand identity to putting it online and optimizing it.

conception site web

Your project deserves a website to match.

The secret of a successful project ? A top-notch team, state-of-the-art tools and, above all, the right methodology.

A site tailored to your needs

We’ll work with you to choose the best strategy for your web project. Your needs and your audience are unique, which is why we’ve chosen to create customized sites that can easily evolve as your project develops.

Ongoing support

Putting your future site online is just the beginning of your online adventure. We continuously monitor and optimize your site, and offer hosting on our own servers for optimum performance and security.

Creating responsible websites that convert

Our approach

The democratization of no-code tools and data-unfriendly third-party integrations has resulted in the web being flooded with hastily-designed sites that are completely unmanageable in the medium term.

In addition to being ethically questionable, this approach has a terrible impact on your users and, above all, on the image of your company or organization.

Our responsible approach is based on 3 fundamental pillars.

Digital ethics

Data leaks at web giants have become commonplace, and companies are being heavily penalized for non-compliance with the GDPR because of third-party integrations that resell your users’ data to advertising agencies.

We favor open-source alternative software solutions in our work to keep control of your data while optimizing your site’s performance. A fine demonstration to your audience that the data they entrust to you is in safe hands.

An environmental conscience

Digital technology pollutes.

This awareness encourages us to eco-design our digital services, at every stage of the project, as detailed in the RGESN.

Making the web accessible to all

We believe that everyone has the right to access your site, regardless of disability. That’s why we follow the recommendations of the RGAA to build websites that are accessible to all.

We prefer to create sites that are beautiful and pleasant to navigate, rather than fancy sites that flash all over the place and are a nightmare to navigate.

Our process

Our web projects consist of 4 main stages. This is our recipe for the best results !

Get in touch now !
  • Stragegy and Architecture

    This stage allows us to understand the core of the project, the target audience, the best approaches, and to define your site's tree structure according to the SEO analysis.

  • UX Design and Copywriting

    We create the wireframes (schematic mock-ups) of the future site, and take care of producing the text adapted to your project to optimize the user experience and conversion rate.

  • UI Design

    We clearly define the graphic charter for your site. We propose several graphic layouts that highlight your identity.

  • Web Development

    We create your site using WordPress, the open source CMS that powers a third of the web. Your site is responsive for fast, fluid display on mobile, tablet or computer. We check performance, accessibility, on-page SEO and optimize everything as far as possible.