Solskin Art
Redesign and optimization of a blog on art history and Parisian culture.

About the blog
Solskin Art is an information blog about art and cultural exhibitions in Paris.
The articles are aimed above all at art history enthusiasts, as well as people with an avid interest in culture.
Why a revamp ?
The initial site was ageing badly, and was beginning to pose serious management problems. In addition to security problems and a complex user interface, the newsletter system in place was non-functional and poorly positioned on the site.
The blog’s author was also a victim of regular bot registrations, as well as daily spam.
The project was to resolve these issues, and bring improvements in terms of performance, accessibility and aesthetics.
The new blog has improved enormously in loading speed, and looks much better than the original.
All articles have been retrieved, and some had to be converted to the basic WordPress editor to do so (which guarantees better portability in the future too, if necessary).
A Dark/Light mode has been added for visual comfort when reading articles.
A full-fledged newsletter system has been integrated, with settings to ensure email deliverability – which wasn’t the case before.
The site’s architecture, and more specifically, the categorization of the multiple articles, has also been revised to give greater clarity to the site’s content, and facilitate access to information.