Manuela Levalet

Complete redesign of a freelance writer's professional website.

  • Blog
  • Copywriting
  • Newsletter
  • On-Page SEO
  • Self-hosted analytics
  • Website Revamp
  • WordPress
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mockup du site de Levalet Manuela
A new professional image that inspires confidence and highlights Manuela's expertise and services.

About the client

Manuela Levalet is a freelance copywriter, editor and proofreader.

In particular, she helps companies gain visibility on the Internet by writing texts optimized for search engines.

Needs and challenges

Manuela already had her own website, but it had been put together in a hurry without any professional help.

It didn’t convey the professional image Manuela wanted to convey to her visitors, and it was also difficult for her to make changes or update certain content.

The site wasn’t very efficient either, and to make matters worse for her business, it wasn’t optimized for search engines (on page SEO).

So from the outset, the project was to build a new showcase site with a blog on which Manuela planned to publish her content. The result had to be aesthetically pleasing, professional and easy to convert.


The new site was immediately embraced by Manuela, who loved its clean, minimalist design.

Manuela was already accustomed to the WordPress blog publishing tool, so she didn’t have to learn how to use the interface on her new site, which remained unchanged.

The site has received a huge performance boost, notably through the use of lighter tools for construction, as well as the adoption of vector format images to illustrate the pages.

Manuela writes content on her blog to gain visibility on the Internet and demonstrate her writing skills.

In addition to the blogging system, the site features a GDPR-compliant contact form that enables her to receive requests from prospective customers.